I’m a cloud architect at Elastisys and an adjunct lecturer at UmeĆ„ University. I received a PhD in 2012 from INRIA, France. I’m experienced in cloud computing, network engineering and information security. I acted variously as a consultant, practitioner, teacher and researcher. When coming out of the clouds, I work out by playing with my two daughters.
Advice for contacting me: I treat my communication channels in three ways:
- Tracked: You will eventually get an answer, unless you did not include a call to action.
- Non-tracked: If I do not answer within 10 minutes, consider your message lost and retry through a tracked channel.
- Drop-all: I will interrupt whatever I am doing now to answer your message. Use sparsely or I may learn to ignore you!
My channels, in order of preference:
- Email (tracked): cristian@kleinlabs.eu
- GitHub, LinkedIn and Twitter are set up to send me emails.
- Mobile (drop-all): +46 727 18 63 93
- Various Slack channels, WhatsApp, etc. (non-tracked)